Upwork highlights 30 Most In-Demand Jobs and Skills

Upwork highlights 30 Most In-Demand Jobs and Skills

In-demand jobs and skills for 2021

  1. Machine learning

  2. Automation

  3. Data analytics skills

  4. Mobile application skills

  5. VR (virtual reality) skills

  6. Video production

  7. SEO (search engine optimization)

  8. Product management

In-demand jobs and skills (2019-2020)

Upwork analyzed data from the jobs posted on its platform in 2019. The company also released an index of hottest skills for freelancers. The most in-demand skills are experiencing more than 120% growth every new year.

  1. ServiceNow

  2. DaVinci Resolve

  3. Social media marketing

  4. Highcharts

  5. PyTorch

  6. Keras

  7. Caspio

  8. LearnDash

  9. Kendo UI

  10. Neo4j

  11. Statistical modeling

  12. Salesforce Lightning

  13. Relational databases

  14. D3.js framework

  15. Motion graphics

  16. MATLAB

  17. Packaging design

  18. Microsoft Azure

Top jobs of the future

  1. Cloud computing

  2. Blockchain

  3. Robotics

  4. AI.

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